1000t BIPEL compression moulding Press
More than 6000 BIPEL compression presses for moulding thermoplastic and composite materials are in use in some 60 countries throughout the world.
Many users are market leaders in their industries. The reputation for reliability earned by BIPEL down stroking compression presses has made them synonymous with moulding rubber and composite materials and metal forming.
JRD BIPEL supply both factory rebuilt and new hydraulic presses. BIPEL hydraulic presses comes with modern hydraulics and control system. JRD BIPEL invested considerable amount of time and money on its new designs to make its hydraulic presses efficient and easy to use. The hydraulic presses are self-contained and easily accessible for maintenance and servicing.
1000t BIPEL compression moulding Press
150 Ton BIPEL hydraulic Press
BIPEL 400 ton hydraulic press
240 ton Dewatering Press
BIPEL 150 tonne Hydraulic Press
BIPEL 150 tonne hydraulic press for friction industry
BIPEL Twin 40 ton Compression Moulding Press
New Composite compression moulding press
300 ton Hydraulic Press
Compression Molding Press with high temperature heating platens
Compression Molding Shuttle Press